In Almesa we provide the most complete service in the distribution and management of projects within the sector of steel tubes, accessories and related products.
Almesa, with more than 65 years of experience, is one of the leading companies in the commercial distribution of the steel pipe and metallurgical accessories sector. Our offer is aimed at the industrial sector and large facilities having among our most relevant customers engineering, equipment goods manufacturers, assemblers, energy companies, petrochemical companies or electric companies.
Almesa is immersed in a constant process of improvement in the international market. Therefore, we guarantee a quick and personalized response to our customers, with an extensive range of products in stock, and a wide network of service providers.
In Almesa we have an avant-garde department focused on ensuring the quality of the product and the service we offer.
The future of Almesa begins now, our goal is to be the preferred supplier for the services that are required around the steel pipe and accessories.
That is why we work together with a fundamental idea, quality. Quality is one of the indispensable conditions in our business, for this reason we have an avant-garde department focused on ensuring the quality of the product and the service we offer.
At Almesa we are able to provide the best solution to our clients and always in the most competitive way possible.